First create a Custom user object and is defined as Structure (OS_ChooseColor):
long lstructsize
ulong hwndowner
ulong hinstance
long rgbresult
blob lpcustcolors
long flags
long lcustdata
long lpfnhook
long lptemplatename
Define instance variables:
os_ChooseColor istr_ChooseColor
long il_CustomInitColors [16]
blob (64) ibl_CustomColors
Defined external function::
function boolean ChooseColorA (REF os_ChooseColor lpcc) library "comdlg32.dll"
In the constructor event write the following code::
/ / Initialize choosecolor information
/ / Convert the default custom color array to a blob variable blobedit (ibl_customcolors, 1, il_custominitcolors)
/ / Let the structure element point to the blob array
istr_choosecolor.lpcustcolors = ibl_customcolors
/ / Set the size
istr_choosecolor.lStructSize = 36
/ / No owner
SetNull (istr_choosecolor.hwndOwner)
/ / Set flag
istr_choosecolor.flags = 1
Create object function: boolean of_choosecolor (ref long al_rgbresult), the code is as follows:
boolean lb_ok
istr_ChooseColor.rgbresult = al_rgbresult
lb_ok = ChooseColorA (istr_choosecolor)
al_rgbresult = istr_ChooseColor.rgbresult
return lb_ok
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